A daramatic play about a conflict between parent and child.

Text book Pg. 109 Question 2   Theme: Fashion

Narration: Ellenor’s mother has been very displeased with the way her daughter dresses at her charity event  secretly. She is determined to warn Ellenor what kind of impact is she giving to the people around her .   

Mother : How dare you! How dare you for  lying to me all this time. I thought I could trust you.

Ellenor: Mom I did nothing to disgrace you, I will swear to you, I promise it would not mean anything to people around me. I promise.  

Mother :  I understand, it’s all about the “peer pressure” (contemptuos ).  

Ellenor: I was only trying to advertise the fundraiser for charity, thank god! Why do people need to exaggerate everything. Other girls wore much skimpier clothes than we did!

Mother: We?

Ellenor: I was with Jessica, Malenie and Kate.

Mother: Untill  11 pm?

 Ellenor: It was a group fundraising campain for Save Haiti. I told you already way before the event, ur school was needed to raise money. It’s called “gift giving ” mom, I think the idea of  “charity” existed way before 1960!

Mother: It did exist in my time thank you very much, but we never presented ourselves with such scanty imsufficient clothing. Ellenor, sweat heart, you are an intelligent young lady but can you explain to me what you are wearing right now?

Ellenor: Jeans?

Mother: why did you  rip them?

Ellenor: It’s called “FASHION” mother, HELLO?

Mother: Hello? Then tell me what is it about showing off you stringed underwear and not tucking them in.

Ellenor: It’s call thongs mother.

Mother: Oh Ellenor, you only call me “mother” when you criticise my lack of “trendiness”  that you people would call. I remember you were so little and even afraid of being in tank top or bathing suite. Now you are all dressed up in meager out fits. Look at you! You look like a prostitute!

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